Two recent papers by Dr. Bedewy are featured in the news

Two recent papers by Dr. Bedewy are featured in the news

Two recent papers by Dr. Bedewy were highlited in the news on PHYS.ORG.  These papers show for the first time the population behavior of catalyst nanoparticle formation, activation and growth of carbon nanotubes by environmental transmission electron microscopy (E-TEM).  This high resolution imaging technique reveals the mechanical interactions between neighboring CNTs as they crowd each other during the initial stages of growth of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes.

This work was done with collaborators from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Prof. A. John Hart’s group), Brookhaven National Laboratory (Dr. Eric Stach and Dr. Dmitri Zakharov) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Dr. Eric Meshot).

Link to the news article article on PHYS.ORG


For more information about this work:

Real Time Imaging of Self-Organization and Mechanical Competition in Carbon Nanotube Forest Growth

Viswanath Balakrishnan*, Mostafa Bedewy* (*equal contributions), Eric R. Meshot, Sebastian W. Pattinson, Erik S Polsen, Fabrice Laye, Dmitri Zakharov, Eric A. Stach, and A. John Hart
ACS Nano, 2017

Measurement of the Dewetting, Nucleation, and Deactivation Kinetics of Carbon Nanotube Population Growth by Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy

Mostafa Bedewy, Viswanath Balakrishnan, Eric R. Meshot, Dmitri Zakharov, Eric A. Stach, and A. John Hart
Chemistry of Materials, 2016